Online advertising

We help businesses like yours increase sales with the perfect cocktail of intelligent online advertising, creativity and user experience optimization. We take full advantage of the wealth of measurable data provided by online analytics tools to create effective and profitable advertising campaigns.

Performance advertising

Performance? Fancy English word, which in practice means focus on results. Just like you, clicks and reach mean nothing to us. Only sales and inquiries count!

Google advertising

The online giant we turn to when we're looking for a solution to a particular problem, from directions to which refrigerator to buy. We make sure that your ads reach your prospective customers at the right moment on:

• Google Search

• GDN Display Network

• Gmail Webmail

• YouTube

Learn more about Google advertising

Facebook and Instagram advertising

Along with its related platforms, Facebook is the social network with the largest reach by far, but even more important are its advanced user targeting capabilities that have made it an indispensable part of virtually every digital marketing campaign.

Facebook advertising

Conversion Optimization (CRO)

Do you sometimes feel that your website, despite the fact that you have paid a lot of money for it and it looks really nice, does not bring you the expected inquiries or sales? Visual appeal and effectiveness of the website are two completely different concepts!

Learn more about conversion optimization

Are you in favor of drinking coffee together and saying something?

Why choose Kokos?

Marketing is one of the foundations of any successful company and the decision of which marketing agency to choose is not an easy one. You will entrust her with your hard-earned money in the hope that she will bring you the much-desired sales and the highest possible return.

Cooperation with us means that you are taken care of:

Performance agency

We are not (only) interested in how many visits we bring to your website, but above all, how many of these visitors called you, submitted an inquiry or made a purchase.

Experienced team of advertisers

Our young but well-adjusted team already has a lot of successful projects behind it. The package includes 6 digital advertising experts, 2 copywriters, 3 designers and 4 project managers.

All in one place

We are a versatile digital agency that offers you all services in one place. In our team, we have masters of PPC advertising, SEO, social networks, design, websites and copywriting, each specialized in their own field.

Don't just take our word for it, our knowledge is confirmed by numerous certificates:

Google ads certificates

We confirm our knowledge of advertising on the Google Ads platform with 16 certificates covering all the most important services (search advertising, display advertising, video advertising and Shopping advertising).

Facebook certificates

Our experts can boast of as many as eight Facebook Blueprint certificates, with which we demonstrate advanced knowledge of digital marketing within the Facebook family of products.

Blueprint is Facebook's official education program that certifies the knowledge of digital professionals according to very strict criteria.

Dimaq company

All members of the Kokos team completed the DIMAQ professional training, which is the only comprehensive international program for the standardization of digital marketing knowledge in Slovenia. Kokos Agency thus became only the fourth company in Slovenia with the title DIMAQ company, which confirms our expertise and knowledge of the digital media environment.

CEE Digital Alliance

Kokos Agency is a proud member of the professional association CEE Digital Alliance, which connects 15 independent, top digital agencies from Central and Eastern Europe. We share knowledge with partner agencies from Poland to Greece and thus help clients adapt advertising campaigns to the requirements of individual markets.

Hubspot Marketing Certifications

Hubspot is a leading company in the field of inbound marketing on a global level. With the help of Hubspot Academy certifications, we have further upgraded our knowledge of inbound marketing, which will help you create useful and useful content that attracts customers.

Are you for a drink together?

coffee and what shall we say?

Read what partners say about cooperation with us

"Kokos Agency has been an important partner for us for some time, on which we can rely. The Kokos team takes care of our many creatives, messages and advertisements on various channels with quality and success."

Mladen Barukčić, director, Council of the Crusades

"I am demanding of everyone I work with, and what I appreciate most about the Kokos Agency team is that they are not afraid of any challenge."

Rok Koželj, board member, GEA College

"We successfully cooperate with Kokos Agency in the digital promotion of the destination Idrija, as we try to follow the trends of digital advertising. We are satisfied with the attitude, creative and up-to-date work of the team, which knows the digital world."

Tadeja Bezeljak, Idrija Tourism Institute

Meet the team!

Check who you will be working with before entrusting us with your project. Who will take care of your campaigns? Do we have the right experience? Are we even compatible with you astrologically?

Meet the coconuts!

Treat yourself to a digital refresh that will help your brand overcome new milestones.

Order your ideal digital marketing cocktail!

Contact us

In online marketing, only results count. Together we will choose the right advertising strategy for you

will ensure quality inquiries or increased sales.

Demand - online advertising

The coconut of a blog about all things digital

November 4, 2022
Če imate svoje podjetje s spletno trgovino ali vsaj osnovno spletno stranjo, ste zagotovo že slišali za SEO oz. optimizacijo spletnih strani za spletne iskalnike. Zelo verjetno je tudi, da ste se je na nek način že lotili, ali jo trenutno izvajate. Morda sami, morda s pomočjo agencije. Prav tako pa obstaja velika verjetnost, da: vaše pozicije na Googlu stagnirajo oziroma se ne zvišujejo tako hitro, kot bi si želeli. Na nekaterih ste se morda premaknili, na drugih pa nikakor ne; so vaši konkurenti pri najpomembnejših ključnih besedah vedno pred vami; plačujete agenciji mesečni SEO pavšal, pa sploh ne veste, kaj za vas delajo; ste že uredili osnovni on-site SEO, ampak še vedno niste prodrli na prvo stran iskalnikov; redno pripravljate SEO vsebino za vaš blog, pa nič ne pomaga. Brez skrbi, niste edini. Gre za probleme, o katerih nam stranke vedno znova potarnajo. Vaša težava je predvsem v tem, da NE IZKORIŠČATE NAJPOMEMBNEJŠEGA FAKTORJA ZA SEO , vsaj ne v zadostni meri. Že veste, kateri faktor imamo v mislih? Preden vam zaupamo odgovor, naj pojasnimo osnove. SEO optimizacijo v osnovi delimo na dve področji oziroma dva sklopa aktivnosti. 1. On-Site SEO On-site SEO je optimizacija, ki jo izvajamo neposredno na vaši spletni strani . To pomeni, da vsebino vaše spletne strani ali trgovine uredimo tako, da je Googlu kar najbolj po godu oz. da upošteva vse njegove smernice. Najprej opravimo raziskavo ključnih besed, na podlagi katere nato pripravimo ustrezno strukturo spletne strani. V naslednjem koraku preverimo in po potrebi popravimo še vse meta podatke na podstraneh (URL, naslov strani, opisi slik, …) in poskrbimo za primerno vsebino ter pogostost pojavljanja ključnih besed. Uredimo tudi notranje povezave, preverimo hitrost nalaganja strani in druge pomembne korake. Vse našteto izvedemo po najboljših praksah Googla. Ko so naštete osnove urejene, kar je zelo pomembno, pa se je treba fokusirati predvsem na off-site SEO, ki je dandanes najpomembnejši faktor pri SEO optimizaciji! 2. Off-site SEO Kaj je off-site SEO? Off-site SEO vključuje grajenje povratnih povezav ( backlinks ) z drugih spletnih strani, ki vodijo na vašo spletno stran. Kaj to pomeni? Naj ponazorimo: ko neka zelo obiskana (in v Googlovih očeh visoko rangirana) spletna stran, kot je na primer, o vas napiše članek, ki vsebuje povezavo (backlink) na vašo spletno stran, ta stran s povezavo na vas prenese del svoje »SEO moči« in tako poveča moč vaše strani. To je za Google signal, da vas postavi višje za ključne besede, ki so za vas pomembne. Naše izkušnje in izkušnje vodilnih SEO strokovnjakov na globalni ravni kažejo, da je ravno ta proces, imenovan off-site SEO, ključnega pomena za uspešno rangiranje spletnih strani na Googlu. Toda pozor! Niso vse povratne povezave enake. Najpomembnejše je prav to, da prihajajo z močnih spletnih strani, torej je bistvenega pomena, na katerih spletnih straneh gradite povratne povezave na svojo spletno stran. Kaj to pomeni za vas? Slovenske SEO agencije in strokovnjaki pridobivajo povratne povezave na različne načine, pogosto pa kar preko svojih (nizkokakovostnih) omrežij (strokovni izraz private blog network - PBN). Takšne povezave so precej šibkejše od tistih, ki jih Google zares želi videti in imajo posledično toliko manjšo SEO moč za dvig vaše pozicije na Googlu. Kakšne SEO povratne povezave torej želi Google? Gre za povezave z močnih spletnih strani z veliko obiska, kot so spletne novice in drugi priljubljeni portali. Lahko bi jih poimenovali kar »digitalni PR«. To je potrdil tudi sam Googlov SEO guru John Mueller na Twitterju:
February 1, 2022
Poleg barvne palete je črkovna vrsta oz. font spletnega mesta eden najpomembnejših in vplivnih dejavnikov vizualne uporabniške izkušnje. Pravi tipi pisave se nanašajo na obliko spletnega mesta in naredijo vsebino (še) prijetnejšo za branje.
December 23, 2021
Aktualno leto se počasi izteka. Zato je prav, da skupaj pogledamo, kdo zaznamuje digitalni svet pred vstopom v leto 2022. Statistika vedno razkrije številne zanimivosti. Tokrat smo s pomočjo statističnega portala Statcounter ( povzeli najzanimivejše aktualne podatke.
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