Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire

At the start of the Kokos Agency cooperation with your company, we introduced ourselves to you as an agency where we don't just want clients, but long-term partners with whom we will grow together and co-create success stories. This can be achieved through professional and quality work, good communication and transparency.

At Kokos Agency, we try to fulfill our obligations and your expectations with maximum effect, but since there is always room for improvement, we would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer the questions below. We ask you to be frank, whether it's praise or criticism, because this is the only way we can correct any errors and optimize our services. Thank you very much!

How satisfied are you?

Na naslednji dve vprašanji odgovorite, če smo vam kdaj izdelali slikovne, video ali tekstovne (copywriting) oglasne kreative, sicer ju preskočite.

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